What’s New

Version 5.0S (Newest Version)

The Help About, Contact Support, Screen [HA Tab1] shows information regarding the newest installed version of Tradesmen’s On Screen 3D Estimator: the technical support and sales phone numbers, email, and website information as well as three buttons.

Copy Materials from Another Project, Screen [CMFAP]

A new screen has been created to allow you select a project, tag materials, and copy them to the project on Project Material, Screen [E].

Copy Tagged Standard Materials, Screen [GG]

The button Copy Marked Standard Materials has been renamed to Copy Marked Materials.

Added support for using a Space bar to flip the tag of the highlighted row.

Copy Crews From Another Project, Screen [CCOP]

This screen opens when you are working in the Project Crews, Screen [NN] and have clicked on the Copy From Other Project button.

Click on the Select Project button to open the Projects screen.

Select Project: Click on the Select Project button to open the Project screen. Then select a different project that has the crews you want to copy.  The crews in that project will be listed. You cannot select the same project for both the source and destination of the copy.  If you try, then you’ll see this message: There’s no point in copying from the SAME PROJECT you’re copying from.


Tagging Button: Click on the Tagging button to select the crews you want to copy. Tagging menu can also be shown with a right click on a row of the list and the hot keys work that are shown in the popup


Copy Now Button: Click on the Copy Now button, to copy the selected crews. However, if a crew id already exists in the target project then you are asked if you wish to “Replace” or “Leave as is.”


Click on the Cancel button to close the screen.

Main Screen

On the Place Wall, Screen [PW], and Wall Shape, Screen [D-17], there are 2D Plans buttons on the Tool Bar has a new look it’s no longer just an icon

Place Wall, Screen [PW]

On the Walls tab, under the Show All button, there is a new option, Switch Current Wall, and Switch Current was renamed to Switch Highlighted Row.

Preferences, Misc Machine Specific, [Screen Y Tab 5]

Added the checkbox Reports, Remove Shading.  This was moved from the File menu.

Project Materials, Screen [E]

On button, “Copy all material form another Project”    Replaced: with “Copy Materials from: Another Project.”

On button, “Copy Marked standard materials” renamed to “Copy Materials from: Standard.”

These buttons provide new control over which materials to copy, using a tagging system. When copying the Mortar, Composites, and Project Specific Cost Codes will be automatically copied.

At this time: a message appears indicating which crews are missing (but no automatic copy).

Standard Job Codes, Screen [JCC]

Show Current Project Only

A new checkbox has been added to show only the current project.

Schedule Placements, [SP]

The drop-down list controlling which placement types to show has been replaced with 5 push in buttons True Openings, Panels, Pilasters, Verticals, and Rebar

See tip help for shortcut keys.

There is also a Show button which can be used to show/hide all types with one click.  Right clicking on any push in button will generally only show that type and hide others.  See tip help on the opening types for more details.

When you click on the Show button, it will select all buttons (unless all are already selected, in which case it hides all). If you right click on the Show button, it will un-check all of them. You can select more than one button.  The color will change when you select a button to show that it is selected. Tip Help shows keyboard shortcuts to select what to show. For example, Ctrl+Shift+A will select all buttons. Ctril+Shift+H will hide all buttons.

There are now two column totals shown under the words True Openings which show Total Items Shown and Total Qty Shown.  These are the sum of the Items and Qty columns for whatever is showing.

A new Only show out of wall openings checkbox that allows only showing opening placements that were out of the wall the last time a report was run.

Hide Opening Jambs for Wall

Collapse the Opening jamb portion of the screen to make room to see more placements. Note:  when pressed this button changes it’s icon to the “Show Opening Jambs for Wall.”Show Opening Jambs for Wall

Expand the Opening jamb portion of the screen to view and edit the default Opening jambs for the currently highlighted wall. Note: when pressed this button changes it’s icon to the “Hide Opening Jambs for Wall”

Send File to Tradesmen’s, [Screen SF]

After exporting a project, and clicking on the Send to Tradesmen’s button, you can now enter a Name and Email of the person that Support should reply to.

Another way to send a file to Tradesmen’s is to go to the File drop-down list and click on Send File to Tradesmen’s.  Make sure to select the file you want to send so that it appears under File to Send.

Update Project Material [Screen F] and Update Standard Material [Screen H]

Added two checkboxes Skip 0 Warning” on the Price and the Lay Rate Rows.  The default is Unchecked.  When checked the Warnings “Material Price is Zero” and “Lay Rate is Zero” will NOT appear.  Note, when they do appear, they now offer “Skip Warnings” which results in checking the boxes.

Window menu

Move Estimator to Primary Monitor  [Control+Alt+M] has been added to move a screen that is not showing to the primary monitor. This is especially useful when you’ve changed your monitors,       like a disconnected laptop from external monitors, and the estimator is off-screen.

Restore Down The Alt+DownArrow shortcut has been added, to restore a maximized screen to it’s original size. When selected it does the same thing as the Restore Down button on the top left of some screens.

Version 5.0R 

Project Reports and Messages, Screen [PRM]

Limit to crew allows you to filter a report to a specific crew.  That filters the report to quantities laid by a single given crew.

Once you have selected a crew, to deal with all crews, delete the previously selected crew. Changing the limit or selecting a different crew DOES NOT force a recalculation.  The report can be generated immediately.  On the Summary Page, the final report will show the Crew number and there will be warning notes about PARTIAL Reports.

Show Preview When Create File is checked and Show Preview is unchecked, there will be no print preview.  This is useful when you want to just create spreadsheet files. Show Preview is disabled when Create File is unchecked.

Calculate Labor using a Work Week of the drop-down box to choose 5, 6, or 7 Days.  The default for the number of days is set in the Update Project, Project Information, Screen [B Tab 1] screen.  Changing this value does not require a recalculation. Changing the value will change material and equipment costs in the report but only if the associated crews are configured for 6 or 7 days. Inside the report, the only indication in the report that is working with 6, or 7, the crew section header displays either 1-5, 6, or 7, day work week.

Save Report to: Indicates where the file will be saved, and the file name. The default file name is .\output\TSI Report.xml . NEW: there are variables that can be used to describe the folder and file name.  There is a right-click menu to help you add those variables. A selection in the right-click menu will replace the highlighted text or add the variable at your cursor position. The current expansion of those variables can be seen in the tip help. NOTE: The program will make sure the expanded file name ends with .XML. For example, .\Output\[AutoAtReport], will have the following header:  Project name, Job number, date, time, and report type.

When the Show Marked Up Cost on What’s Included Page check box is checked, the report will show three columns: Lay Cost, Material Cost as well as Marked Up Cost.

Update Project, Project Information, Screen [B Tab:1]

Added Calculate Labor using a Work Week of 5 Days, 6 Days, or 7 Days. This sets the default for the number of days to calculate crew amounts.

Update Opening Schedule, Openings, Screen [UOS Tab:1]

You can now have two Inside Headers. This Header Course can also return and/or have Rebar and Grout data just like on the inside.  Inside Sill and Outside Sill are now just Sill and have been moved to underneath the 2nd header.

Update Project Crew, Screen [OO] and Update Standard Crew. Screen [O]

Now that overtime hours have been added to Update Project Crew Detail and Update Standard Crew, this screen reflects that additional information.  Below the list, and on the left, there are three color-coded check boxes that you can select to indicate how many days you want to see in the list. Select either Day 1-5, Day 6, and/or Day 7.

The Insert, Change, and Delete buttons have been moved to the left side of the screen, below the list.

Below that you will see the calculations for Cost/Day, Weighted Cost/Day, Cost/Man Day, and Weighted Cost / Man Day. If you see lines in blue or green text, those are the calculations for Day 6, and Day 7.

If the total hours are zero, then recalculate Day 5, Day 6, and Total hours using all categories.

Update Project Crew Detail, Screen [PP] and Update Standard Crew Detail. Screen [P]

When an equipment crew is selected, the window re-sizes down to just the appropriate fields for equipment. Equipment is calculated assuming the cost/day was given based on a 5 day work week so when using a 6 Day work week we “buy 5, get 1 free” so the equipment cost is shown at 5/6 of the Days 1-5 for Day 6 and the Day 7 is shown at 5/7 of the Days 1-5 equipment total.

When a labor crew is selected, there are now nearly identical tabs, allowing specification of hours for Days1-5, Day 6 and Day 7.  When on the Day 6 tab, you can either click on the new Copy from Days 1 to 5 button or click on CTRL+6 to copy hours from Day 5 Regular and 1.5 to Day 6 1.5 and Day 5 Double to Day 6 Double.  When on the Day 7 tab, you can either click on the new Copy from Days 6 button or click on CTRL+7 to copy hours from Day 6 Regular and 1.5 to Day 7 1.5 and Day 6 Double to Day 7 Double.

For details regarding the math of Equipment calculations, go to Update Project Crew, Screen [OO] in the section Summary of List Box.

Equipment is calculated assuming the cost / day was given based on a 5-day work week so when using a 6 Day work week we “buy 5, get 1 free” so the equipment cost is shown at 5/6 of the Days 1-5 for Day6 and the Day 7 is shown at 5/7 of the Days 1-5 equipment total.

Update Wall, Screen [D]

On the List of Rebar Placements, there is now a column for Placement Descr(iption) which will show either blank or AutoBar.

Walls, Screen [C]

The list of walls now has columns for AutoBar which shows the schedule description and +Spacing which shows the spacing.

There is now a Change Autobar button next to Generate Wall Cards. This opens the new Change AutoBar, Screen [CAB].

We also added a new feature on both the Walls, and Place Wall screens to Change AutoBar placements.  Now you can tag one or more Walls from either screen, and update with two Clicks vs. needing to go and change on every wall.  There are two new columns on each screen so one can quickly identify walls with AutoBar data.

Version 5.0Q 

The Help About, Contact Support, Screen [HA Tab1] shows information regarding the newest installed version of Tradesmen’s On Screen 3D Estimator: the technical support and sales phones numbers, email and website information as well as three buttons.

NOTE: Any reference throughout the Help file to BB/ will be changed to Inside Header.

Place Wall, Screen [PW]

On the Schedules tab in the right tab area, the tab text has changed to Horizontal Repeats and Vertical Repeats

Set using: OnScreen

Clicks on Openings Button:  The button is at the bottom right of the Vertical Repeats tab. The purpose of this system is to make it easy to create your list of Vertical Repeats by clicking on existing openings. When this button is pushed in* then you’re expected to click on Openings in the 3D Graphic to add/remove entries in the Vertical Repeats list.   Click on an opening, and its elevation is added to the list unless the elevation is already in the list, in which case you will be asked if you wish to remove it from the list. When done altering the vertical repeats list, click the Set Using: OnScreen Clicks button on elevations again so it’s no longer pushed in.  Then place openings as usual.

Note:*  Set Using: OnScreen Clicks on Openings is visible, AND the Place Schedules Tab is selected AND Use Elevation of OnScreen Click is unchecked

Schedules Tab

Vertical Repeats: Greenbar has been added.  When Add to Schedule Elev(ation) check box is selected, the column Elev to be Used is unhidden.  When Add to Schedule Elev is unchecked, because their value is the same as “Opening Elev” when “Add to …” is unchecked.

Replaced the check boxes in Override column to Elev From. Content is either blank of Schedule as before when at most one row could have override unchecked. Now at most one row can have Schedule.

The biggest change is the addition of the SKIP column when a row is marked as skipped.  There is also a matching check box in Update Opening to be Placed [Screen UOTBP]. It is NOT used when the openings are being placed.This is represented by a strike through in the list as in 12′ 6″. Skip can be toggled by mouse clicking on the skip column or pressing the space bar when the list has focus

Update Wall, Screen [D]

There is now the ability to have Wall Returns for Gable, Slope, or Step Walls.  To the right of Wall Shape entry areas, there is a Left Wall Return check box. Underneath that are entry areas to Add the length of the return. To the right of Wall Length is the Right Wall Return check box and underneath are entry areas to Add the length of the return.

Update Wall Shape, Screen [D17]

At the top of the screen, when Place Schedules tab is selected, and the Openings tab is selected at the bottom of the screen, the changes made to the Schedules and Vertical Repeats tab on Place Wall screen are the same  See description above.  However there is no Use Elevation of OnScreen click check box.

Update Odd Courses, Screen [D4]

When there is a Corner type Vertical Schedule Placement, and the odd course has rebar and rebar count, you can now add L-Rebar.

Update Opening Schedule, Openings, Screen [UOS Tab1]

Many changes have been made to the first three tabs on this screen.

The first three tab names are now Openings, Flashing/Caulking, and Jambs.

The Openings tab has the previous selections but now contains selections for Sills.

Flashing selections have been moved to the Flashing/Caulking tab.

All selections relating to jambs have been moved to the Jambs tab.

On Openings, BB/Precast/Odd selections have been renamed to Inside Header. You now have the ability to grout Inside Headers and the ability to NOT grout Outside Headers while grouting other things. The following SHARE the Grout/Rebar/Bar Count settings:  Inside Header, Inside Sill, Outside Header and Outside Header.

Back of Beam has been renamed to Front of Beam.

A Return sill check box has been added.  When selected, the outside sill will render and calculate using the Outside Return Depth used for Jambs.

Between the Inside and Outside sections, there are settings for Grout and Rebar.

On Jambs, the Default and Override selections have been changed to Use Jamb Materials from Wall or Opening Schedule.  Wall is the default. If Wall is selected, the following is displayed and used:  Wall Jamb materials are set on (SP) Schedule Placements, visible when the up and down arrow button shows the down arrow.  If Opening Schedule is selected then jamb materials are set on Opening Schedule.

On Jambs, Odd Courses Return Material has been added.  There are three choices:  Odd Special (default) same as before there was a choice which is what’s on the outside face of the jamb.  Odd Primary which is the main material associated with the odd course.  Outside Regular, when selected uses the Override Regular Material.

On Jambs, a check box has been added for Return Regular/ Override Material which controls the material used on Opening Returns.  When unchecked it uses the jamb material on the outside wythe (aka Jamb corner).  When checked, it uses the Override Regular Material for opening returns.

Project Level Adjustments, Screen [PLA] and Default Project Level Adjustments, Screen [DPLA]

Hide Adjustments with no value check box has been added at the top of the screen that when checked, hides rows in the list when Units or Quantity equals zero will be hidden.

Version 5.0P 

The Help About, Contact Support, Screen [HA Tab1] shows information regarding the newest installed version of Tradesmen’s On Screen 3D Estimator: the technical support and sales phones numbers, email and website information as well as three buttons.


Preferences Tab [Misc. Machine Specific, Screen [Y tab:5]

There is now a checkbox for Set Background on latched checkbox and Radio controls and Edit Color control. This feature was added because. in the current version of Windows 11, it’s not as obvious that the button is latched as it was in the past. This setting will automatically turn itself on, when you first run the Estimator in Windows 11 Latched means that the control appears like a button that is pushed in.  If the default has changed, and you want it back to the default back right-click on the Edit Color control.


Projects, Screen [A]


At the top of the screen, next to Show Hidden Projects, there is a new check box called Hide Accepted Bid Price=0 that when checked will hide projects that have a bid price of $0.

Update Wall, Screen [D] and Update Wall Shape, Screen [D-17]


There is now the ability to have Wall Returns. To have Wall Returns for walls that are on a Gable, Slope, or Step, there are now Left and Right checkboxes located to the left of the Wall Height entry areas, These checkboxes only appear when the wall shape is Gable, Slope. or a Step. When checked the wall will return the width of the wall on the Left, Right, or both. Much like Piers have 4 sections, from a single Anchor, Direction placement, walls with returns will have 2 or 3 sections. Understanding the implied sections is important for schedule placements and wall cards that make use of the section numbers to describe their locations.


It is recommended that you set your wall returns BEFORE you add Wall Card or schedule placements.

Because altering wall returns alters the section numbers of the wall, and Wall Cards and schedule placements rely on section numbers to describe their locations.


Update Odd Courses, Screen [D4]


If you want Wall Returns for Follow Roofline odd course, there is now an Appears on Wall Returns check box to make them turn at return sections.   NOTE: We use the term “Follow Roofline” (FRL) to mean that the Odd Course follows the top, the bottom, or both profiles.  Non-FRL odds always appear on all sections – wall return sections included.


Walls, Screen [C]


Next to the Update Project button, located in the upper right corner of the screen, there is now a Configure 2D Plans button.  When selected, the program opens OnScreen 2D Plans, Screen [OSP].

Version 5.0N 

The Help About, Contact Support, Screen [HA Tab1] shows information regarding the newest installed version of Tradesmen’s On Screen 3D Estimator: the technical support and sales phones numbers, email and website information as well as three buttons.

Enter Material ID

A new feature called Material Auto-Complete appears on all windows where you enter Material IDs.  When you are on a material ID, and you start typing the ID, then a list of project material ids will appear below the entry. The list will show all materials ids, that have the letters typed, in the order typed.  You can up/down arrow, PgUp/PgDn and mouse click to highlight different rows, then press enter (or double click on a row) to change the material ID to the highlighted row. You may also press ESC to close the auto complete list and revert to the original material ID. At the end of the list there will always be a << clear material >> row, which when selected replaces the Meterial ID with nothing. At the very end of the list, there might be an << original material >> row. This only appears when there was an existing material ID. If you prefer to revert to the original way only, go to Preferences, Machine Specific, Screen V Tab:5] and click on the check box next to Enable Auo-Complete User Interface when entering Material IDs. Auto complete is checked by default. NOTE: this setting is only read when OPENING a window with material IDs entries.

Help About Program Updates, Screen [HA Tab:4]

This is a new tab that lets you see the status of your versions of the Estimator.  It might show a huge blue button to “Download Version ____”.  It might show, you could be running version ____ (build mm dd, yyyy) and say “please contact Support@tradesmens.com to renew your support that expired mm dd, yyyyy.   It might show, Congratulations you are all up to date.

If a new update is found, a new sound plays and also, if you’re all up to date, a different sound plays.

At the bottom left of the screen, you can set the number of days to Check for updates.  Click on a check box to Automatically download updates and click on the Download folder button to open that folder.

When there is an update available, the license information button on the Tool Bar will change from green (online license), or brown (offline license), to blue.

Create IFC, Screen [IFC] 

The OK button was renamed to Create IFC so that people with a Viewer License and IFC license can still create IFC files.

Places Wall, Screen [PW]

The following were added to the Sort by drop-down list box so that the tagged were shown at the beginning of the list of walls, Tag, Area, Desc; Tag, Take-off order, Tag, Last Touched, Tag, Dynamic, Tag, Elevation.

Preferences, Machine Specific, Screen V Tab:5]

Regarding the Material Auto-Complete explained above, there is now a check box next to Enable Auto-Complete User Interface when entering Material IDs. Auto-complete is checked by default. NOTE: this setting is only read when OPENING a window with material IDs entries.

Switch Projects, Screen [SwPrj]

Before you switch projects, you need to close the windows of the current project.  If you forget this, and you go the Projects screen and select a new project, this screen will appear.  In the middle of the screen, there is a list of the windows that are open. There are controls to select to tell the program how you want to proceed.

Stay with Current Project button works like a cancel button and when selected takes you back to current project.  Switch to Highlighted Window takes you the window that is selected.  Close Highlighted Window and Close All Project Windows do what you’d expect.  You may to select Close All Project Windows multiple times. Once all windows are closed, the Switch to Project can be selected to take you to the new project.

Update Opening Schedule, Panel/Pilaster, Screen [UOS Tab5]

Added check box to deduct from Coping.  NOTE: this check box is respected for non-panel openings (as mentioned in the tip help for the check box).

Update Opening Placement [UOPW]

To support deduct from coping, the opening needs to be placed above the wall because the coping is considered to be above the wall. This led to a warning every time you ran a report, so a check box was added to skip warning when running reports and the opening placement is not fully visible on the wall.

Update Vertical Schedule, Screen [UVS]

There is a new Vertical Schedule Type called Wall Join which was created with T Wire in mind, but can of course be used for other things. This type of vertical schedule has NO Odd Course special pieces.  The list of items in the vertical schedule now shows “projection or deduction”  (see below for information about deduction).  Placements of Wall Join Vertical schedules appear on [D] Update Wall in a list between Wire & Regular Inside

Update Vertical Schedule Material, Screen [UVSM]

The location type is now first on the window, the order was changed because the location type controls what is shown for the rest of the window

Location type was also changed from three button style radio buttons to a drop down list with to six types with three new types.

The new Location types are: Parapet Wire, Regular Wire, and Foundation Wire.  These Wire Locations are intended to support L-Wire and T-Wire.  You will be prompted for a Material ID and an optional deduction.

Regarding calculations: One piece of the material will be added at an elevation where the matching wire style appears on the wall where the schedule is placed unless there is an opening there.  (NOTE: these are NOT shown in the graphic).  Each time a piece is added, then the Deduction length will reduce the matching wire from the wall

Warnings when the schedule appears on wythes that the wall does not have (this warning existed before)  and/or when the schedule has wire locations and the wall does not have matching wire locations.  When placing Schedule -you will be asked to Place or Ignore the new placement. At report time – non-duplicate warnings appear. When double click the warning you’re taken the vertical schedule (not the placement) as there might be multiple placements of the same schedule on the wall which have been collapsed into one warning.

Update Wall Cavity Screen [D-5]

Under Weep Hole, there is now a check box for Top and Bottom that, when checked, doubles the calculation of weep holes.

Update Wall Placement, Screen [UWP]

A new message will appear when editing the last section in a segment or a change was made to the Turn angle or Section length. It warns the user that their changes will be lost but offers to uncheck the keep segment closed option for them, thereby saving their changes.

Walls, Screen [A]

The Show Tagged Walls First check box was added so that the tagged walls were shown at the beginning of the list of walls. This really helps when there is a lot of walls.


Version 5.0M 

The Help About, Contact Support, Screen [HA Tab1] shows information regarding the newest installed version of Tradesmen’s On Screen 3D Estimator: the technical support and sales phones numbers, email and website information as well as three buttons.


Schedule Placements, Screen [SP]

You can now collapse or expand the list of placements by clicking on the + box or – box next to wall description. This is the same ability you have in Assemblies, Screen [L]. You also press Ctrl+Right Arrow or Ctrl+Left Arrow keys to expand or collapse the rows.

When you open the Schedule Placements screen, it will start out either expanded or collapsed, based on the last time the Expand All or Collapse All button was selected. The individual row expand/collapsed state is preserved when you change the sort order. Individual rows expand/collapsed state is NOT preserved when change Group by wall verses Group by schedule.


Update Odd Course, Recess or Project, Screen [D4 Tab:4]

Support for corbelling, or stepping projection, in a single odd course record which represents multiple courses have been added.  A new entry field for Every has been added to enter the number of courses to step.  Pick from the drop-down list box either right or left.  Enter, in entry fields, the number of number of feet and/or inches. Example:   Every [2] course(s) step to the [Right]  [0′ 0.5″].


Update Opening Schedule, Screen [UOS]

New opening shapes are now supported.  In addition to   Rectangular, Arch, and Circular  we now also also support

    Half Arch Left

     Half Arch Right

     Pointed Arch

     Slope Left

     Slope Right



     Hexagon with option:    left and right sides are:  [ Flat, Have Points ]

     Octagon with option:    left and right sides are:  [ Flat, Have Points ]


Opening Jambs and Panel Jambs are supported on most of the shapes.  However, they are NOT supported on:  Circular, Diamond, Hexagon, Octagon, and Trapezoid.

You can also see a Preview of the opening in a 3D Graphic. The opening is previewed on a wall you from the same project as the schedule   You can choose which wall in the preview using the Preview on Wall entry area at the bottom of the screen.  The preview will be updated on every change to the opening.


Update Opening Schedule, Preview, Screen [UOS Tab:8]

There is a new Preview TAB where you can control:

Preview Location – one of: Right Side, Below, Hidden.  There is a button near the OK button which can also be used to control location, normal button presses switch between hidden and the wherever it was showing last.  A right click will swap where the preview is shown.  The program will remember what selection you have made. It is automatically updated on every change to the opening. You can right click on the arrow button (the icon changes) to swap the location of the Preview between below and right of the tabbed portion of the Update Opening Schedule screen.  The program will remember how you left it.  The default is for the Preview to be next to, vs below, the entry screen.

View Wall From – one of: Outside, Inside, Both In & Out

    Both In & Out will create temporary wall placements heading in opposite directions so you can see both sides of the wall at the same time.

Adjust the Wall for Opening Preview

  [x] Automatically set Height, Length & Shape

        When checked will set the temporary wall’s height and length so that there’s just enough to see the opening in the context of the wall.

        Additionally, the wall shape will be set to Rectangular.

  [x] Wall base elevation

        When checked will set the temporary wall’s base elevation so based on the openings elevation minus a bit to see the opening in the context of the wall.

Calculations are based on what’s rendered, so returns now respect odd courses.

Returns are now rendered for Openings and now you can also return the Outside Header and Outside Sill too.

Outside Return Depth now has a drop-down list box to choose either None, Automatic or Override. When set to Automatic, the return depth is the distance between the outside and Inside wythes and will vary by the wall the opening is placed on.

Outside Sill will can be returned, when the opening jambs are returned AND the new Return Sill check box is checked. If you wish to have you your sill project out from the outside wythe and return at the same time, then set the outside header material thickness so the material becomes flush with the back of the return, and projects as needed.

The Outside Header can be returned too, when the opening jambs are returned AND the new Outside Header Return check box is checked.  If you wish to have your outside header project out from the outside wythe and return at the same time, then set the outside header material thickness so the material becomes flush with the back of the return, and projects as needed.

A correction has been made on special pieces at corners where the piece was projected so that now it projects on both sides of the corner verses one only.

As you change the Elevation, the Top Elevation is automatically calculated. The <==> indicates that as you change one amount, the other amount changes.  So, for example, if you change the Top Elevation amount, the Elevation amount will change. The Top Elevation is the highest point of the opening shape, it does not take the bond beam or outside header into account. The bottom elevation plus opening height  plus  arch height add up to become the Top Elevation. The bottom elevation will automatically change when you change the Top Elevation. The Top Elevation will automatically change when you change the bottom elevation, the opening height or the arch height.


Update Wall, Screen [D]

When you right click on the Reg Outside, Reg Inside, Rebar Fill, Cntrl Jt/Caulk, or Openings, Panels and Pilaster buttons, you can now see the shortcut keys to select Change Schedule and Schedule Placements

Version 5.0L 

The Help About, Contact Support, Screen [HA Tab1] shows information regarding the newest installed version of Tradesmen’s On Screen 3D Estimator: the technical support and sales phones numbers, email and website information as well as three buttons.

Walls, Screen [C] Tagging button and the Show Walls button Place Wall, Walls, Screen [PW] .

Autobar with no wall placements shows an R icon in wall lists.

Regarding the new Wall Set feature, click on the Tagging or Show wall buttons of these screens and you will see Wall Set: Create from what is tagged.  It allows you to create named lists of walls which can be used to quickly tag/untag (show/hide) walls on the Walls and Place Wall screens. The named wall sets are saved with the project and are included in the exported project file. (TSI)

Note:  A quick way to bring up the tagging menu is to right click in the list of walls.

To create a Wall Set, tag the walls to include in the wall set, click on the Tagging or Show Walls button, then Wall Set: Create from what’s tagged , under Set Name enter the Wall Set name and click OK.  Click on Cancel to close screen.

To change which walls are in a Wall Set, tag the walls to include in the wall set, click on the Tagging or Show Walls button, select Wall Set: [name of wall set} you want to edit, and select  Replace the ([#) walls in the set with the (#) currently tagged wall or Add to what’s tagged,.

You can rename a wall set easily by choosing that Wall Set, selecting Wall Set:  Rename and then change the Set Name.  Click OK. to save or Cancel to close screen.

To remove a selected wall from the Wall Set, select Wall Set: Remove from Wall Set.

To get rid of a click OK.  Click on Cancel to close screen., click on the Tagging button, select Wall Sets, Delete Set.

NOTE:  TSIs created with version 5.0L are not compatible with earlier versions of Tradesmen’s Estimator.  TSIs now includes which walls are showing on the Place Wall screen.

Within the tagging menu, remember there are Wall Area, Elevation or Dynamic options that can be used to create a Wall Set.  For example, to create a Wall Set with a specific elevation, select a wall with that elevation and then select Elevation [elevation#]: tag. Then create a Wall Set with those tagged walls. When you click on the Dynamic option, you can sort the walls by clicking on any of the headings at the top of the walls list.  For example, if you want to sort the walls by Wall Length, click on the Wall Length heading.  You will see walls sorted by the length in ascending order and see a + next to Wall Length to indicate how the walls are sorted.  If you click on Wall Length again, you will see walls sorted by length in descending order and there will be a — next to the heading.  The program will remember each users’ settings so that if you go to another tab and come back to the Dynamic option it will resort the walls using the last selection.  Currently, this ability to sort by clicking on list headings is only available on this screen.  You can use the Dynamic option in conjunction with tagging and untagging Walls.

You can use the Dynamic tab (see above for description), tag and untag walls.  For example, click on the Dynamic tab, then click on Inside material.  Within the list there are four walls that have an inside material of MW06 and you want to tag those walls.  Select one of those walls, click on Show Walls and click on Dynamic [MWOC]: Tag which will tag those four walls.  In reverse, from the list of walls in the Dynamic tab, you could select a wall with an inside material of MW06 and untag those walls.

Place Wall, Screen [PW]

In the left tab area, the Rebar Clashes tab will be red when some clashes exist.  In the right tab area. the red and blue tab colors will reflect the colors shown in the graphic.

When no wall placements exist AutoBar now renders as well as calculates.

The Intelliplace tab and the majority of its features have been hidden.  If needed, please contact support.  However, the Snap to Origin grid and spacing have been moved to the Place Walls tab in left tab area.

On the Place WallUpdate Wall-Wall Shape and OnScreen 2D Plans screens, you can switch between Pick and View by pressing F3. or CTRL+N or the Microsoft Application Key.

Project Reports and Messages, Screen [PRM] 

Above Save Report to, there is a new check box for Open Alternate Way” for Excel to help solve the problem on some computers where the .xml file doesn’t open in Excel when Open Created File is checked.

Version 5.0k 

The Help About, Contact Support, Screen [HA Tab1] shows information regarding the newest installed version of Tradesmen’s On Screen 3D Estimator: the technical support and sales phones numbers, email and website information as well as three buttons.

Copy Wall, Screen [CW]

On the Rebar drop-down list, if you only want to copy the AutoBar settings, select AutoBar Settings Only.

Graphic Options-Place Wall, Screen [GOPW

There is now a Menu button which lists the Save Graphic and Create IFC features that previously were buttons.

New on the Menu button is Report Using Options:  Select the options for wall that you want to show up in the report and then choose Report using Options to open the Project Reports and Messages, Screen [PRM].

The Menu button also has Quick Check/Uncheck that when selected has options to check or un-check all the current wall wythes or all the rest or all the other wall wythes and the rest on the list.

Main Screen

On the Tool Bar, next to the Information button, there is a button that displays online license information.  If you hover over that button, you will see the License ID, it’s Nickname, the Modules purchased, the Data Path, the installed Program Version and the Program Date.  When selected, it opens Help About, Check out License, Screen [HA, Tab 2].

Place Walls, Screen [PW]

The Graphic Options tab now has a Reports button. The button, when selected, displays a Message screen that asks “Should reports use the same graphic options that you’re using for the 3D graphic and also use the same Hide Everything Above & Below settings or Should reports include everything?  NOTE: Both choices will include ALL VISIBLE and PENDING walls in the reports.”  Select from the buttons Everything. Use Graphic Options or Cancel. Due to Hide Everything above/below some walls may give warnings that the entire wall is being skipped, or that the wall is only partially included.

On the Walls tab, within the list of walls, there is color coding: red for current wall and blue for selected wall.  When you click on a wall within the graphic, that wall is selected and shows in the list highlighted in blue.  When on the selected wall, use the space bar to hide and un-hide that wall.

When the Walls tab is selected the Report button has been moved to the end of the buttons next to Schedules.

The Tagging button is now labeled Show Walls and tag all is Show All, Hide All replaced Untag all, and Flip All has been replaced by Switch Current.

There is a new Click through Openings checkbox on the Place Walls, Place Schedules, Cross Section and What is it? tabs. On the Graphic Options tab you can set the transparency of the Click through openings “glass” transparency.  When it unchecked openings (not panels) will be filled in by “glass” so that you can select them to see their information on the What is it? tab.

What is it? tab has a checkbox for Click through Openings and buttons for Make current wall (the selected Wall), and Place Schedule (if schedule is selected).

Place Walls tab when the Placement Type is Copy Segment, the wall/segment you picked to copy is now displays. The wall/segment to copy is now cleared when you change placement type or select a new current wall.

Project Reports and Message, Screen [PRM]

When running a report the title of the report will say Using Options if it’s coming from a screen like the Graphic Options Place Wall, screen [GOPWl] when you have used Report using options feature from the menu.

Under the Selected Report section of the screen, if Ignore Rebar Clashes is selected then the report will not show the clashes.

On the Show what’s included page the Auto selection now not only means if there is one or more untagged walls then the walls included page will appear as the first page of the report but also looks at what’s selected on Graphic Options screen.

There’s a new Excel Template called Excel of OS3DE 50K.xml which has been updated on the What’s included tab of the spreadsheet.

Due to Hide Everything above/below some walls you may see warnings that the entire wall is being skipped, or that the wall is only partially included.

Update Wall-Vertical Rebar/Void Fill Detail, Screen [D-13]

We added the AutoBar feature because too many users were hitting problems with placed schedules (openings, verticals and rebar) that we on segment / sections that did not exist.  This was happening when walls were copied without the wall placement and with the schedule placements.  In a previous version we changed the copy wall behavior to remove the orphaned schedule placements.  Which solved the problem; however, it created a new one.  The copied walls lost the typical rebar, making work to add it back.

Calculated and Rendered Rebar are still handled entirely via schedule placements

How AutoBar works.

There are now entry areas for AutoBar Rebar Schedule and Spacing for you to select a rebar schedule and to set the spacing. Set typical rebar for a wall, so that a rebar placement is added when the wall is placed.

After those have been entered, when you make the first wall placement, then a rebar placement is automatically generated.  It’s always:
on the Inside Wythe,
in the middle of the first cell
Seg=1, Section=1, Left Offset =(typically 4″)
Repeat until end of wall

When click on OK a Message screen appears saying AutoBar rebar placement is normally placed when you first place the wall.  However, if the wall already has wall placements.  You then click on either button Place AutoBar or Just save settings.

That’s the core of it, but there are nuances.

AutoBar is only placed when you have a regular inside material and it’s not 100% solid

On Copy wall, screen [CW] under Rebar there’s a new option “AutoBar Settings Only.”  Also the “Nothing” entry will clear the AutoBar schedule and spacing attributes.

When you change the AutoBar schedule or spacing AND there are already wall placements then various message windows will appear offering to create or update the AutoBar rebar placement. For example, if you change the Spacing amount, then a Message appears saying “You changed the AutoBar Spacing? Do you want to change the existing AutoBar Rebar Placement too?” with buttons for Change Spacing or Leave as Is.

AutoBar Rebar Schedule and Autobar Spacing have been added. When click on OK a Message screen appears saying AutoBar rebar placement is normally placed when you first place the wall.  However this wall already has wall placements.  You then click on either button Place AutoBar or Just save settings.

Schedule Placements button has been removed.

Version 5.0j2 

There have been various enhancements made to speed up screen refreshment.

The Help About, Contact Support, Screen [HA Tab1] shows the newest version information regarding the name of the installed version of Tradesmen’s On Screen 3D Estimator, the technical support and sales phones numbers, email and website information as well as three buttons.

Export Project, Screen [EP]

The Leave Out OnScreen 2D Plans check box has changed to Shrink exported project by excluding embedded plan images, while still including scale and plan entries. Uncheck the box if you want to include the 2D Plans. Just realize that the generated file can be quite large.  By checking this box the exported file will include scale and other information, but will not include the 2D Plans listed on OnScreen 2D Plans, Screen [OSPB].  Excluding the 2D Plans reduces the project’s file size but includes the scale and plan entries so that you can import it and work with the project.

Place Walls, Screen [PW]

On the Place Walls tab, under Round off Angle/degrees, the Ignore when Radius check box has been removed. This is taken care automatically.

Send file to Tradesmens, Screen [SF]

New to the features in the Export Project screen, once you click on the Start -Export button and the program has created the file, a Message window opens with a button to Send to Tradesmen’s.  When you click on that button, the Send File to Tradesmen’s screen opens.  Fill in a Description of why you are sending the file.  The directory and file name is displayed.  Click on the Send button to complete the process.

If you opened this screen by selecting File from the Main Menu then enter a description of why you’re sending the file, click on the browse button on the far right of the File to send entry area.    That will open Explorer so that you can click on the file you want to send.

Version 5.0j 

Help About

The About On Screen 3D Estimator screen has been replaced with the Help About screen that has 3 tabs.  The Contact Support tab has all the information about Tradesmen’s as well the version the version change  The Command Line button and Notices buttons are located there. The new Help About Check out License and Offline License tabs reflect the new online License System that is replacing  the previously used hardware USB key.

Make sure to read through License System page for a step by step explanation of the new system.

New License System screens in order of the process to obtain a license.

Enter Company Code, Screen [ECC Tab 1]

The first time you open version 5.0j the this screen will appear.  Tradesmen’s Software will be emailing your company code to you.  Make sure that you have internet access and USB plugged into your computer.  Enter the code in the Company Code entry area and click on OK.

Enter Company Code,Contact Screen [ECC Tab 2]

If you do not have a company code, the Contact tab will provide the information you need to obtain one.

Help About, Check out License tab, Screen [HA Tab 2]

After you have entered the Company Code,this screen opens so that you can check out a license. If this is the first time you are selecting a license then choose the license that matches the modules you have on the USB key. To obtain an Online License, click on the license and then the Check out License button.

If you want select a different license, select another license and then click on the Check Out License button.

Help About Check out, Screen [HAC]

This screen appears after you click on the Check out License button so that you can enter a Nickname for the license.  Examples might be Estimaor 1, Project Manager, TSI Viewer or Bob, Jeff, Steve’s. It will appear on the Help About Check out License tab screen under a License Nickname and then click on the Check Out License button.

Help About Offline License, Screen [HA Tab 3]

This screen allows you to convert the license you have checked out so that it’s yours even without access to the internet.  You can have it checked out from 1 to 28 days. The downside to this is there will be no way to use this license with a different computer or user before those days have passed.  There are the following entry areas: 1)  Convert license to be offline for # days.  Use the up or down arrows to set how many days.  2) The converted license will expire on shows the expiration date based on the number of days. When you are finished click on the Convert to Office License button.

Help About Success

You will next see the Help About Success that says “You have check out license (#) which has (modules).”  For example, You have check out icense (860) which has Viewer..

Now that you are in the program, you will see on the right side of the Tool Bar a green box that shows information about the license such as if it Online or Offline, the ID, and the Nickname.  If you hover the box, tip help will show the license modules and nickname. If you click on the box it will open Help About Check out License, Screen [HAP Tab 2]. Once the program is open, you can always go back to Help About Check out License, Screen [HAP Tab 2] by clicking on Help on the menu screen, and selecting About On Screen 3D Estimator. The license you are using will indicate My Online in the Available column.

Once you have completed the selection process for a license the next time you open the program you will be at Walls, Screen [C]. The box on the right of the tool bar will show license information.

Request Offline License

So what happens when you don’t have internet access and you want to OPEN the program and it needs a license?

In this case, you will see a message screen. with three buttons: Try Again, Request Offline License, Close Estimator.  If you’re able to resolve your internet problem, click on the Try Again button.  The program will go through it’s normal start up process.  If you can’t resolve the internet problem, click on the Request Offline License button.

You will see the Request Offline License screen.  The top part of the screen contains all the information that Tradesmen’s Software needs to have to issue you license.  At the bottom of the screen are two tabs.

The Email Tradesmen’s tab has a button S end Email that when clicked a screen opens that presents two email programs; Gmail or Outlook.  Select one and it will open the email program with the email ready to go to Tradesmen’s.    Emailing the information is by far the easy way to accomplish this task.

The second tabs displays the contact information to Call Tradesmen’s.  Once you have received the Registration Key enter it into the entry area and click on the Register button.

Place Walls, Screen [PW]

On the Place Walls tab, under Placement Type, Radius In and Redius Out have been removed from the drop-down list box.

Version 5.0i

Graphic Options, Screen [GO] and Graphic Options-Place Wall, Screen [GOPW]

The screen has a new look and additional controls over what is displayed.

Grout now has additional controls to show in openings, panel, and pilaster and pilaster jams, odd courses and vertical schedules.

Place Walls, Screen [PW]

All the functionality of Walls, Screen [C] is now on the new Walls tab allowing you to do everything you would do on C without having to leave the Place Wall screen.  The ability to Copy, Insert, Change, Delete, run Reports, open project Schedule Placements, Generate Wallcards, and select another wall to make it the current wall using the Make Current button, all can be done on this tab.  Additionally you can drag and drop from Assemblies. The Walls tab tagging system replaces the previous Show Walls system.

By having the Walls tab functionality you have more flexibility and saves you a lot of time.  There is no need to throw away the rendered walls by closing the Place Wall screen, render the current wall on [D], close D, open [PW] again, and wait for [PW] to render the desired walls.  You JUST select the new current wall, deal with any errors or warnings for the old current wall, the new current wall is automatically tagged for you so you can start placing new walls, or edit existing wall placements.

Above the wall list box, there is a row of buttons: Tagging, Gen Pending, Sort By, Copy, Insert, Change, Delete, Reports, SP Schedules, Gen Wall Cards and Make Current.

When you click on the Tagging button a menu appears that allows you to control tagging: Untag All, Tag All, Flip Tag, Wall Area, Flip Dynamic.  There is also an Icon legend to use as a reference for the tag check boxes

Not Showing is an unchecked box and will not show in reports. A red empty check box Was Showing-can show immediately will also not show in reports. Essentially the wall has been generated but it is not showing and will not be included in reports.  It can be hidden until you want to see it without needing to regenerate. A checked box is Showing in Graphic and will show in reports. The red checked box has Nothing to Show (there are no wall placements) but is tagged for Reports. The solid black check box is Pending to show in Graphic and will be tagged for reports.

The tagging system gives you the ability to show or hide rendered walls immediately with out needing to take the time to regenerate.   Tagged walls are used in Reports and Scheduled Placements buttons.  Reports give you the ability to SEE which walls will be included in the report which is important if you are showing alternatives.

Each project will automatically save/restore the list of tagged walls as you leave or return to the Place Wall screen. On the Current Wall tab there is a new Wall button that, when selected, goes to the Update Wall, Screen [D] for the current wall. Next to that button displays an icon for the wall shape, the area, and the description of the current wall.

On the Place Walls tab there is a new Current Wall button that, when selected, goes to the Update Wall, Screen [D] for the current wall. Next to that button displays an icon for the wall shape, the area, and the description of the current wall.

Gen Pending button will generate just the pending walls.

Sort By drop-down list box has the same functionality as the tabs in Walls, Screen [C] to sort by Area, Description, Take Off Order, Last Touched, Dynamic, and Elevation.

Make Current allows you to change the Current Wall by selecting a different wall and clicking on the button.

On the Place Walls tab, there is now a Current Wall button. The current wall description is displayed next to the button.

When you click on the button, it will open Update Wall, Screen [D] for that wall.

On the What is it? tab, there is now a Current Wall button. In the graphic, click on a wall and then click on the Current Wall button to make that wall the current wall.

Standard Opening Schedules, Screen [SOS] and Project Opening Schedules, Screen [OS]

You can click and drag a schedule from the Standard Opening Schedules screen to the Project Opening Schedules screen as well as click and drag a schedule from the Project Opening Schedules screen to the Standard Opening Schedules screen.

Standard Rebar Schedules, Screen [SRS] and Project Rebar Schedules, Screen [RS]

You can click and drag a schedule from the Standard Rebar Schedules screen to the Project Rebar Schedules screen as well as click and drag a schedule from the Project Rebar Schedules screen to the Standard Rebar Schedules screen.

Standard Vertical Schedules, Screen [SVS] and Project Vertical Schedules, Screen [VS]

You can click and drag a schedule from the Standard Vertical Schedules screen to the Project Verticle Schedules screen as well as click and drag a schedule from the Project Vertical Schedules screen to the Standard Vertical Schedules screen.

Update Opening Schedule, Sills and Caulking, [Screen OSC Tab:2]

The ability to add Inside and Outside Sill Height as been added


Version 5.0h 

NEW!  Rebar Clashes detected and deleted!

At the bottom left of the screen, In both the left and right tab areas there are tabs for Rebar Clashes showing rebar placement clashes.  Just because a clash exists does NOT mean it need be removed.

On the left, the tab shows a list of rebar placement clashes detected after generation of the graphic. The clashes listed are limited by what is currently visible on the graphic image.  Therefore, make sure to make the appropriate selection(s) under Show Walls and on the Graphic Options-Place Wall screen. For example, If you don’t have Rebar checked no clashes will be detected. The column(s) display information about the clashes: Apart (distance between Clash A and Clash B), Clash A, Clash B, Seg, Wythe, and Wall (description).  To view that information in detail, select a row on the Rebar Clashes tab on the right, click on Rebar Clashes tab on the right.  Under the Show Info tab more information is displayed about the clash as well as a Quick Delete button.

On the Clash A and Clash B tab, clashes can be shown by clicking on View in the Graphic and Show Pointers so that decisions can be made about what to delete,

Warning:  Once deletions are made click on the Place Wall OK button to save those changes. If in the event there is a mistake, click on the Place Wall Cancel button to delete the changes and then go back to deal with the clashes.

For the new Origin feature to work, make sure to select on the Intelliplace tab, the check box Snap to Origin Grid when starting a segment. That HAS to be checked for the Origin feature to work.

On the Graphic Options tab in the right tab area there is a Show Grid Origin check box to display the grid origin that has been set in On Screen 2D Plans, Screen [OSP]. To see the origin place a first point of a segment on a 2D Plan.  Also an Origin Indicator Size clicking on up and down arrows increase or decrease the size of origin indicator.

Tab Changes to right and left tab areas

Repeats tab and Opening Elevations tab functions have been combined in a new Schedules tab in the left tab area.

Update Wall-Cavity, Scxreen [D-5]

Deduct Flashing for cells that have rebar is a new checkbox to use if there is no need for flashing in cells that have rebar.

On Screen 2D Plans, Screen [OSP]

NEW!  Set an Origin for more accurate take-offs

There is now the ability to set an Origin point for each sheet so that wall placements is more exact.  First set the project scale.  Select a sheet, click on the Menu button, select Origin Set, zoom in on the exact point for the Origin and click.  Take the time to be as accurate as possible with selecting the Origin.  Blue and red arrows appear  and a Message Box will open to Save, Try Again or Cancel.  If the placement is not accurate enough choose Try Again and go through the process again.  Other sheets can inherit a previously set Origin by selecting Origin Inherit from the Menu.

On the Place Wall screen, on the Intelliplace tab, there is a check box Snap to Origin Grid when starting a segment that HAS to be checked for the Origin feature to work.  Also, On the Place Wall screen, Graphic Options tab in the right tab are there is a Show Grid Origin check box to display the grid origin that has been set in On Screen 2D Plans, Screen [OSP].  To see the origin place a first point of a segment on a 2D Plan.  Also an Origin Indicator Size clicking on up and down arrows increase or decrease the size of origin indicator


Most Prominent Changes for v5.0g

Added Additional Grout Height for Openings

Added Delete picks for Rebar and Verticals from Delete Menu on the Place Wall screen

Changes for v5.0f

Enhanced Details in the IFC Conversion Module. The IFC file can now contain the same details shown in the OS3DE Place Wall Screen, selected from Graphic Options. LOD 350

Opening Sills can now have Grout and Rebar

New Internal Rules to help prevent bad Rebar Schedule data with regards to Lifts and Lap

Reduce Rebar Height and Max Rebar Height added to Rebar Schedule

Resizable window for Select 2D Plans to Show

Autosize Splitter for [OSP]

Refined calculations

After update is installed, click on the word ‘Help’ then ‘What’s New’ for more details on new features.

New for 2017, 5.0E – Wall Cards.  These cards are intended to help you take the information from the take off and use that information in the field.  Generate a Wall Card and break down reports for any given wall, from Segments, Sections, Corners, Control Joints, Jambs or specific lengths.  What do you need ready for today…. stock for tomorrow… and have on order for next week?

The Wall Card Feature is an add on module intended for Project Management with further development to come.  Stick with us, this is good stuff.

Enhanced performance for graphic generation with rebar and grout.

Graphic Options added Rebar Cuts, before cuts were always shown. This change allows the user to render a basic Rebar Placement and/or the details of the Rebar Placement with Lap.

New Rebar Schedule feature. Insert different lifts, laps and even different Rebar within in a given Rebar Schedule. This will provide a better, more detailed report for Rebar Cuts.

What is it? [tab] When this tab is selected and you click on an area of the graphic, you will see information for the Material, Mortar, Crew, Wall, Odd Course or Opening Schedule and Opening Placement,   Segment/Section/Length and Project.  When you double-click on one of these rows, the update screen opens so that you can edit or look at the detail of the area you selected in the graphic.  For example, if you double-click on the Material row, the Update Project Material screen opens.  Make your change(s), OK and Refresh the graphic.

-New Wire Screen- Entry areas have been added for below the wall: Foundation WireSpacing and Height (alters Flashing Elev).

-Coping Screen and Top of Wall Screen Combined.  Primary material will render at the top of the wall.

New Cavity Screen replaces the Cavity, Insulation, Parging. and Mortar Net now rendering at wall base and above openings

-Select 2D Plans to Show window now has camera viewpoint icons above the list of 2D Plans so that you can change the viewpoint to OutsideInside,PerspectivePlan or Cross Section without having to click on the Camera button to open Graphic Options


 Please click on www.tradesmens.com/sample/demo-video to see the biggest changes in Version 5 compared to Version 4